(Revised 10th December 2024)
1. The League shall be known as Hovingham & District Bowls League.
2. The AGM will be held annually during January at which a statement of accounts will be presented. 14 days notice (with Agenda) to be given to each member club.
3. All member clubs should be represented at an AGM or extraordinary meeting (75% of all member clubs shall form a quorum).
4. The League Committee shall consist of Chairman/Treasurer (elected annually), Secretary (appointed annually), plus one representative of each member team. Whenever a new Secretary is required each member team, running alphabetically starting with Kirkbymoorside, shall take it in turn to fill the post for a minimum of one year,
5. The Chairman/Treasurer, Secretary and each member team shall have one vote. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman shall have a second/casting vote.
6. Any extraordinary meeting shall be called by the Chairman or Secretary at the written request of at least 25% of member clubs. These meetings are available for the smooth running of the League and settling disputes arising during the season. The extraordinary meeting’s decision shall be final.
7. Applications for membership to the League will be considered by the League Committee, and elected by majority.
8. Subscriptions shall be agreed at the AGM for the next season and normally be paid at the meeting.
9. The League shall play under Bowls England rules, excepting for any domestic arrangements that may, from time to time, be made at the AGM or extraordinary meeting.
10. All league matches shall preferably consist of 3 rinks of four players, playing 18 ends. Scoring 4 points for the winning overall shot total (2 point each if the score is tied), plus 2 points for each winning rink (1 point each if the rink score is tied).
Teams unable to raise 3 rinks may compete with 2 rinks of 4 players, playing 18 ends. Scoring 4 points for the winning overall shot total (2 point each if the score is tied), plus 3 points for each winning rink (1.5 points each if the rink score is tied).
11. A result may be called after 15 ends have been played. The match shall be replayed if 15 ends have not been played, other than by mutual agreement by both captains concerned.
12. League matches will be played on the dates set by the Secretary and changed only by mutual agreement between both clubs. If agreement cannot be reached the matter shall be referred to the League Chairman in the first instance. If required, an extraordinary meeting of the League may be called.
13. All League matches will normally be played on Thursdays. Cup matches will normally be played on a Tuesday. Matches may be played on other days, but only by mutual agreement between participating clubs.
14. All games shall commence at 6.30pm throughout the season or by mutual agreement between both clubs. There shall be no trial ends and all shots shall count on the first 2 ends.
15. In the event of a game being cancelled due to external circumstances (eg. Covid isolation rules) and not re-arranged then the team cancelling the fixture shall be awarded 3 points and their opponents shall be awarded 7 points. Any dispute concerning the non-fulfilment of fixtures shall be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final.
16. Postponed matches shall be re-arranged by club secretaries who shall notify the League Secretary.
17. The League presentation night shall be set by the League Secretary, and the League trophy presented after the champions have played the Rest of the League. The set date shall be adhered to other than in exceptional circumstances.
18. The League will be responsible for engraving the League Trophy & Waltham Cup.
19. In the event of a tie for the League winner the result shall be decided on shots difference. If still a tie then a play-off, taking the place of the League section final, will be arranged on a neutral green and the winners’ trophy presented afterwards.
20. The Waltham Cup shall be played for annually between all member teams on a knock-out basis. All games shall consist of 3 rinks of 4 players playing 18 ends. The venues for the semi-finals and final shall be decided by the League Secretary, having regard to the provisions of Rule 13.
21. Any person may only play for one member team in any League season or knock-out Cup competition.
22. Approved bowling shoes should normally be worn.